Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Bears Rant!!!

Another Sunday and another disappointing performance by the "Munsters of the Midway".....that's right Munsters. I know the defense played stellar against the run, but on the flip side, I think I could have completed 5 passes against them. The pass rush was horrific and the pass coverage was just as bad. How in the world can you keep letting teams convert 3rd and long and expect to be successful? The answer to that is pretty simple.....NOT TO OFTEN.

It's easy to point to Grossman and say he was terrible and that's why they lost, but truth be told, that's not the reason. I don't think it matters who's behind center right now. If you let a team that prides itself on the running game, turn around at halftime and turn a mediocre quarterback into the next coming of Bart Starr, your going to fail every time.

Another observation....is it just me or does Lovie Smith look like he's listening to an iPod instead of watching what's transpiring on the field? I'd like to see a little emotion every once in a while from a head coach. I'm still an "old school" type of guy who wants a little fire from the guys running the show on the sidelines. Give me a Mike Ditka, Jack Del Rio or Mike Singletary any day over a Dick Jauron or Lovie Smith. OK, now that my blood pressure is elevated, I better quit. Hey at least the Hawks are playing better!!!


Anonymous said...

Bears stink. Lovie just cares about cashing his paycheck. I believe he wears the headphones because he thinks he has too. He really does not have a clue why he has them on. I am pretty sure they are earmuffs for the cold weather and serve no other purpose. Sent by JJ McGill

Anonymous said...

Lovie makes Dave Wannestedt and Neil Armstrong look like great coaches.

Anonymous said...

They should really look into hiring a Vietnamese head coach. That would go a long way in uniting this country.