Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hatfield Hotdog Launcher Documentary

With Thanksgiving upon us, I think it is time to appreciate the technology that we now all benefit from. The following YouTube video, I think all the kids like the YouTube, is dedicated to the invention of the Hatfield Hotdog Launcher. The Launcher is used at Philadelphia Phillies games to launch encased meats into the stands at Citizens Bank Park. Is it coincidence that the Phillies’s are the current World Series Champion and at the same time possess hot dog launching technology? I think Chicago would greatly benefit from this type of technology. Instead of worrying about goats or signing the latest Cuban, I ask both of Chicago’s teams to come together to develop this jointly. Perhaps the launcher can be used to reach the roof tops across from Wrigley?

I enjoyed the video. What about you?

1 comment:

Good Dokter said...

Thanks to my good friend Dwarf for his very amusing and informative contribution.