Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome Fellow Chicago Sports Fanatics

Well, here is my place to celebrate, vent, rejoice, complain and anything else that falls into the category of being a sports fanatic in the city of Chicago. We probably fall into the complaining and venting category more so then the celebration and rejoicing. We've had our few moments, but for the most part, this is a STARVED city busting at the seams, waiting for SOMEBODY to win something of importance. The White Sox did their part in 2005, but that doesn't satisfy the whole city. The 100 year deprivation on the north side continues and if this years NLDS was any indication, my beloved Cubs are nowhere near title town.

With that in mind, let's start looking at winter sports. We have a promising hockey team that is of to an 0 - 3 start. A basketball team that fell way short of expectations last year, and a 3 -3 football team that can't hold on to a lead in the 4th quarter. We're in for some fun times gang!!!

1 comment:

Landshark said...

Only 28 years for those Phillies to win the World Series, Cubs????